Search Results - arie+kaufman

9 Results Sort By:
Automated Segmentation in Medical Imaging
System and methodology for automatic multi-organ segmentation in medical imagingRSS.HDBackground> Background: <Medical imaging has made significant strides over time, with automatic segmentation emerging as a pivotal component in various medical realms, including diagnosis, treatment planning, and research. This technique involves extracting regions...
Published: 5/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Konstantin Dmitriev
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computer, Campus > Stony Brook University
System and Method for Computer Aided Polyp Detection
A method for automatic polyp detection in minimally invasive colon cancer screening Background: Colon cancer is a major cause of cancer related death in the United States; most forms arise in the form of benign polyps in the colon. Screening is advised for adults who are at average risk of developing, but many don't follow this advice due to the discomfort...
Published: 11/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Wei Hong, Xianfeng Gu, Feng Qiu
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging
Using Dynamic Saccadic Redirection to Improve Virtual Reality (VR) Navigation
Using a head and eye VR headset to detect saccadic suppression and redirect the user away from the various objects in his/her surrounding Background: Redirected walking is a concept that allows users to explore a virtual world by walking in the real world. They can perform actions and move around in the virtual environment while performing the same...
Published: 3/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Qi Sun
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Computer, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Information Technology
Novel Approach for Processing Brain Images and Extracting Neuronal Structures
Using a distance transform algorithm for the meaningful visualization of wide-field microscopy (WFM) brain images Background: Understanding neural connections that depict brain function is paramount to neurobiology research. There are advances in microscopy technologies that have furthered this research via the study of biological specimens. Using...
Published: 8/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Saeed Boorboor
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Computer, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Information Technology
System, Method, and Computer-Accessible Medium for Virtual Pancreatography
A novel process for virtual pancreatography using computer-aided diagnosis ("CAD") Background: Pancreatic cancer is potentially one of the most fatal cancers; it has an overall five-year survival rate of less than 9%. This is due to poor prognosis, and because it has no specific early symptoms. However, detecting precursors of pancreatic...
Published: 11/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Konstantin Dmitriev
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging
Landscape Emulation and Locomotion Development through Virtual Reality
A system for generating a progressive representation associated with surjectively mapped virtual and physical reality image data. Background: Virtual reality (VR) creates an illusion for the user; typically it puts them in an artificially created world. VR may be achieved through stimulating senses that already occur in the user, such as sight and...
Published: 11/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Qi Sun, Li-Yi Wei
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Computer, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Screens and Assays
Enhanced Virtual Navigation and Examination
Use of voxels to create a more accurate image, using 2D visualisation to highlight missing attributes of the imaged system Background: 3D imaging has been a breakthrough in the analysis of an object, particularly in healthcare analysis. However, current 3D imaging requires manual input of information, for example, a specific bounded region, thus making...
Published: 5/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Mark Wax, Ingmar Bitter, Frank Dachille, Kevin Kreeger, Sarang Lakare, Jerome Liang
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Computer Software, Technology Classifications > Computer, Technology Classifications > Information Technology
Virtual Prostate Visualization & Computer-Aided Detection
Method, system, and computer-readable medium for detecting a disease of a prostate Background: Prostate cancer (CaP) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among males in Europe, and is the second leading cause of cancer related mortality for this same group. Although it is such a common cancer, diagnosis methods remain primitive and inexact. Detection...
Published: 11/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Joseph Marino
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging
Immersive Gigapixel Display
World's first immersive gigapixel resolution display, offering more than 1.5 billion pixels Background: Need to break barriers in data visualization and help professionals deal with the challenges presented by the massive datasets of today and tomorrow. Technology Overview: Dr. Arie Kaufman, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Computer Science...
Published: 6/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Arie Kaufman, Klaus Mueller, Hong Qin, Dimitrios Samaras, Kaloian Stanislavov Petkov, Charilaos Papadopoulos
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Education and Training