Search Results - lei+zuo

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High Efficiency Energy Generator for Harnessing Ocean Wave and Mechanical Vibration Power
An energy generating device utilizing rail deformation in a railway system. Background: The present invention relates generally to an apparatus for harnessing mechanical vibration power, and more particularly, an apparatus and method for generating electrical energy via unidirectional rotation by harnessing mechanical vibration. As compared to an...
Published: 9/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lei Zuo, Gopinath Reddy Penamalli, John Wang, Rui He Zheng, Xiao Hui Lei, Jorge Lam-ki
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy
Electricity-Generating Shock Absorbers
A regenerative shock absorber system with a high energy density that recovers the vibration energy of a vehicle that is otherwise lost Background: Among all sources of pollutants, the transportation industry has a largely significant contribution. Although innovations such as hybrid engines have made fuel consumption more efficient, the uses of renewable...
Published: 9/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Lei Zuo, Xiudong Tang, Pei Sheng Zhang
Keywords(s): TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy