Search Results - yasha+karimi

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Ultra-Low Power Core for Lightweight Encryption
Using a bit serialized, ultra-low power SIMON core that leverages adiabatic switching to provide cybersecurity via the form of encryptions Background: The exponential advancement of the internet, coding, and devices that embody both have led to a term known as ubiquitous computing. This term basically means that computing can be done anywhere, on...
Published: 8/21/2023   |   Inventor(s): Emre Salman, Milutin Stanacevic, Yasha Karimi, Tutu Wan, Yuanfei Huang
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Electronics and Electronic Materials, Technology Classifications > Information Technology
Method and Apparatus for Passive Wireless Channel Estimation in Radio Frequency Network
For estimation of wireless communication channel characteristics between (at least) two passive radio frequency nodes using BCSI measurement Background: Radio frequency Identification (RFID) tags usually exist as either active or passive tags; active tags have an actively powered transceiver, while passive tags are powered through harvested ambient...
Published: 4/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Milutin Stanacevic, Samir Das, Petar Djuric, Akshay Athalye, Jihoon Ryoo, Yasha Karimi
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Wireless Technology
Novel Method to Compute with Wireless Energy
Conversion of AC signal to DC voltage without significant energy loss Background: A conventional wireless energy harvester receives ambient electromagnetic waves via a connector, and converts the alternating power into a direct current (DC) power supply. However, this introduces a problem: converting a harvest AC signal to a DC supply voltage results...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Emre Salman, Milutin Stanacevic, Tutu Wan, Yasha Karimi
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Electronics and Electronic Materials, Technology Classifications > Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Wireless Technology