Search Results - vladimir+samuilov

2 Results Sort By:
Carbon Nanotube Sensor of Icing and Humidity
A method of production for a carbon nanotube (CNT) sensor using an acidic solution, temperature control and filtration Background: Conventional systems for sensing moisture use a Loop Powered Dewpoint Transmitter (LPDT). The LPDT system lets a user monitor the operation of a sensor constructed as a capacitor in order to view dewpoint. This capacitor...
Published: 10/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vladimir Samuilov
Keywords(s): Other Types of Intellectual Property
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology
Multi-Cell Multi-Layer High Voltage and Cost Effective Supercapacitor
A novel supercapacitor apparatus that improves on current individual supercapacitor units Background: Supercapacitors are promising energy storage devices. Due to their fast charge‑discharge characteristics, low resistance, long cycle life, and wide operating temperatures, supercapacitors are used in industries such as transportation, grid energy...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vladimir Samuilov, Vyacheslav Solovyov, Zemfira Abutalibova
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology