Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+environment

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Laser Assisted Ignition Method to Enable Ammonia Combustion
Overcoming carbon-free fuel challenges: laser-induced Ammonia combustion RSS.HDBackground> Background: < Decarbonization of the power production, transportation, industrial and building heating sectors is pivotal for meeting net-zero carbon goals of 2050. As solar and wind are rapidly brought online to decarbonize the power grid, we are faced...
Published: 1/29/2025   |   Inventor(s): Dimitris Assanis, David Hwang
Category(s): Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Campus > Stony Brook University
The Amine Functionalization of Nanocellulose and its Application for PFAS Removal as Adsorbent-based Coagulant
Surface functionalization of cellulose with hyperbranched polyamide for efficient adsorption of organic dyes and heavy metals RSS.HDBackground> Background: < Water shortages threaten the sustainability of human society and the efficient treatment of wastewater is required for recycling and discharge purposes. Wastewater released from textile...
Published: 1/29/2025   |   Inventor(s): Duning Li, Benjamin Hsiao
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Material and Composites, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology, Campus > Stony Brook University
Development of All-Cellulose Ultrafiltration Membranes for High-performance Wastewater Treatment
Low cost, sustainable, and water‑resistant all‑cellulose membrane for wastewater treatment with superior filtration performance.RSS.HDBackground> Background: <Previous studies on the membranes for wastewater treatment have predominantly involved the use of synthetic polymers such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polyethersulfone (PES), polysulfone...
Published: 1/29/2025   |   Inventor(s): Mengying Yang, Benjamin Hsiao
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Material and Composites, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology, Campus > Stony Brook University
Using Cellulose Nanofiber (CNF) to Create Face Coverings with N95 Performance
­Uniformly coating a CNF layer to a fabric layer via air pressure in order to block 95% of aerosol particles that are at least 0.3 micronsRSS.HDBackground> Background: <Given the recent current events revolving around the COVID‑19 pandemic and CDC guidelines, face coverings have become a necessity in public settings. Due to the increasing...
Published: 10/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Hsiao
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Nanotechnology, Technology Classifications > COVID, Campus > Stony Brook University
Novel Fiber Membrane Distillation Process
­ Using hydrophobic hollow fibers to make air gap membrane distillation processes more cost-effective, efficient, and compact. Background: < Membrane distillation (MD) is a water distillation method that involves the use of hydrophobic membranes and their properties. MD allows for water vapor to permeate through a membrane but prevents...
Published: 5/24/2023   |   Inventor(s): Dufei Fang, Benjamin Hsiao
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Material and Composites
Novel Process for Measuring Nitrate/Nitrite and Ammonium in Wastewater Simultaneously
Using a strong alkaline solution and a gas-permeable membrane to measure the concentration of ammonium/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate in wastewater Background: Due to the growing problems with the conventional processes for treating wastewater, there has recently been a spur in the development and design of a low‑cost nitrogen sensor package that can...
Published: 3/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Qingzhi Zhu
Keywords(s): TAF, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents, Technology Classifications > Sensors
Condensing Flue Gas for Sub-Ambient Evaporative Cooling and Cool Storage
An evaporator and condenser arrangement that allows indefinite heat storage times for power plants without additional refrigeration systems Background: A thermosyphon uses the latent heat of vaporization rather than a temperature gradient for heat transfer. Power plants don?t require a large body of water for cooling and consume little to no water...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jon Longtin
Keywords(s): Air Cooled Power Plants, Cool Storage, Evaporative Cooling, Flue Gas Condensation, Power Plant Efficiency , Technologies, Thermosyphons
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Technology Classifications > Environment
Electrochemical Synthesis of Chloro-Chitosan
A chitosan polymer that retains its natural biocompatibility making it ideal for environmental applications such as water filtration Background: Chitosan has extensively used polysaccharide derived from deacetilization of chitin, which is the second most abundant biopolymer. Presence of primary amine, primary hydroxyl as well as secondary hydroxyl...
Published: 9/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gary Halada, Prashant Jha
Keywords(s): chitosan, electrochemical, functional group, polysaccharide, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Environment
Electrode Materials for Group II Cation Based Batteries
Magnesium is more abundant than lithium and is air stable, so magnesium batteries make a promising replacement for li-ion batteries Background: Batteries are described as an alternative technology to lithium batteries which are currently in widespread use. New proposed battery technology will have significantly lower environmental impact than...
Published: 9/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kenneth Takeuchi, Esther Takeuchi, Amy Marschilok
Keywords(s): battery, Cathode, Electrode, group II, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Technology Classifications > Electronics and Electronic Materials, Technology Classifications > Environment
Hydrophobic Sponges for Oil
An oil recovery sponge with a natural absorbent substrate that is reusable up to 20 times, making it ideal for responding to oil spills Background: Oil recovery systems that use a sponge to soak up the contaminated oil may be reused and then may be disposed of because they become less efficient with subsequent re-use. Technology Overview: Researchers...
Published: 9/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Chu, Benjamin Hsiao, Zhe Wang
Keywords(s): 3-dimensional pores, Hydrophobic porous materials, oil removal, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Environment
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