Search Results - devinder+mahajan

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Novel Continuous Treatment of Wastewater by the Addition of Recyclable Propane Gas
Separating impurities from wastewater via a phase change caused by the addition of propane gas under mild pressure and low temperatures. Background: Wastewater management is an issue that is increasingly requiring more immediate attention as the freshwater crisis expands globally. The current processes implemented in the U.S. account for 2% of total...
Published: 6/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Devinder Mahajan
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy
NanoSulf TM Process for Effective Sulfur Removal
Cost-effective and novel process to remove foreign substances and impurities within contaminated gas streams Background: There is an increasing global demand for sources where methane can be extracted and used to produce power, chemicals, and transportation fuels. One of the biggest sources for this purpose are landfills as they contain feed stocks,...
Published: 8/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Devinder Mahajan, Saurabh Patel
Keywords(s): Technologies
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Energy Conservation, Technology Classifications > Environment, Technology Classifications > Material and Composites, Technology Classifications > Research Tools and Reagents
Graphene Oxide-Based Composite Membranes for Energy Efficient Ethanol Dehydration
A pervaporation membrane for energy efficient alcohol purification, such as ethanol dehydration Background: Biofuels, such as ethanol, are in high demand, especially since the United States began using ethanol as an additive to gasoline. Ethanol can be obtained through fermentation of suitable biomass using distillation processes. These processes...
Published: 9/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Chu, Benjamin Hsiao, Devinder Mahajan, Tsung-Ming Yeh
Category(s): Campus > Stony Brook University, Technology Classifications > Clean Energy, Technology Classifications > Material and Composites