var contentElement = document.createElement('span'); = 'categorylist'; contentElement.innerHTML = '
Campus (2)
Stony Brook University (227)
Technology Classifications (1)
Antibodies (5)
Artificial Intelligence (1)
Clean Energy (16)
Computer (15)
Computer Software (34)
Data (5)
Dental (4)
Diagnostics (20)
Drug Delivery (8)
Drug Design and/or Synthesis (11)
Education and Training (7)
Electronics and Electronic Materials (24)
Energy Conservation (12)
Environment (20)
Gene Therapy and Viral Vectors (4)
Healthcare IT (12)
Information Technology (27)
Material and Composites (35)
Medical Devices (48)
Medical Imaging (26)
Nanotechnology (33)
Optics and Photonics (14)
Protein/Peptide (1)
Research Tools and Reagents (24)
Screens and Assays (3)
Sensors (9)
Therapeutics (29)
Wireless Technology (7)
'; var scriptElement = document.getElementById('scriptcategorylist'); scriptElement.parentNode.insertBefore(contentElement, scriptElement);